Dealing with Teenagers


    The most crucial period in one's journey of parenthood is  dealing with Teenagers.It is indeed a critical and challenging stage both for the parents and the child.While the child is going through  the mental , physical and emotional changes,the parents are clueless as to why their child has altogether stopped listening to them.Their once obedient and sweet child is suddenly putting up a strange behaviour.
         The thought process of parents at this stage of life is majorly concentrated  on the future of their child.We start our day by worrying about their future and end it the same way.Result is we transfer our fears in the form of pressure on our children.
   But the question arises :
Is it wrong to tell our children to work hard and become great achievers in life?
No it is definitely not.But how you are saying and how often you are saying matters.We often forget that children today are much smarter and aware than we were at this stage . They have access to a lot of information.Its our mistake if we think that they need to be guided and without our help they cannot succeed.The only thing they want from us is motivation and support.
  Here are some suggestions that as parents we can follow to help our children.
1.Talk to your children as a friend.Help them choose their career according to their own interest and passion.
2.Never limit your conversation with your children to career and studies.Talk to them about sports,music and other things.This way you will gain their confidence and they will start sharing their thoughts and ideas with you.
3.Comparing our children with others and quoting others example is never a good idea.Every child is unique having distinct qualities.Try to identity and appreciate them.
4. Visit a career counsellor  to get your child assessed for his/her strengths and start working  in that direction.
    In addition to above suggestions you can also visit some amazing websites that deal with certain specific teenage issues.

Wishing you a Happy Parenteen!!!!



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